It's been a slow few weeks. I'm not very mobile now. 32 weeks pregnant and feeling exhausted. The gestational diabetes isn't getting any easier. I'm having to start on meds to help keep my blood sugar level as diet isn't working. Baby is moving lots at night now too so sleep is uncomfortable at best. On a brighter note the weather here is fantastic. Its nice to get out in the garden for a while and catch some sun. I've been rearranging my art space/office so I have more room for display and I can finally find stuff. It won't last. Keeping my art materials organised was never a strong point. Stacks of papers, paints and a hidden water jar with brushes sticking out like an abstract sculpture waiting to collapse and create a masterpiece of its own. New prints are on the way for greetings cards so hope to have them listed in the shop section by the end of next week. I think a nap is in order now, it's definitely not well deserved as it's been a day of naps but I rarely put my feet up these days. Too much to do and never enough time. Slowly does it, my mantra for the moment. Take it easy, catch you all next time 😊